News -


Team Battle #21 is over - and the winner is.....

We know that we are sometimes pretty crazy here at Flagstack. But did you see that? This frenzy in the Team Battle ranking? There at the very top? A very loud WOW!

This month, the 100,000 credit-mark was passed for the second time in the history of Team Battles! Recently, "Die 4 Fragezeichen" won this milestone in Team Battle #16, and this high score has been missed this month by very small credits! The RedFlagStars as regular guests in the top 10 have put a crazy team performance... Cheers to the fun that the flag hunting must have made!

And a warm welcome to the top 10 to "The Marauders" from the US and "Das Bootcamp" from the Netherlands! Hopefully you like it up here in the ranking and you get many friends into the ranking to make it a colorful flag parade! The next month with the Team Battle # 22 gives new opportunities to everyone, use them - fill your teams and have fun and success!

You have worked flat out and gave everything during the last Team Battle? Redeem your earned credits quickly and have fun with your new flags! Follow this direct link to the credit shop: On the team page you find the link to the shop below the overview map.

You didn’t participate in Team Battle? Keep your eyes and ears open for existing or new teams from 01.-04.September 2017 (time zone Europe / Berlin), that need your assistance! As you can see in the ranking, some are capable to splendid performances - what about you? In the next Team Battle #22 there are lots of flags for free again - only your bet counts!

For our statistics fans, here are the information about the overall ranking and the facts of Team Battle #21. Overall, we have given away a lot of great prizes worth hundreds of Euros! 84 teams have achieved great results and the diligence is rewarded:

1. RedFlagStars (DE) – Credits: 102.869– The Alliance - as a bonus, each player was credited with an additional 30,000 credits + the #1 Team-Badge

2. Die 4 Fragezeichen (DE)– Credits: 59.342– The Alliance - as a bonus, each player was credited with an additional 20,000 credits + the #2 Team-Badge

3. Bielefelder Flaggers (DE) – Credits: 51.350– The Alliance - as a bonus, each player was credited with an additional 10,000 credits + the #3 Team-Badge

This is the faction ranking of Team Battle #21. We are delighted with all players about the great overall performance:

1. The Alliance of Flag Keeper - Teams: 33 - Credits: 565,346 - Average: 17,132 - each player has won 75 Party Flags + the faction badge

2. The Syndicate of Flag Hunter - Teams: 25 - Credits: 199,398 - Average: 7,976 - each player has won 50 Party Flags + the faction badge

3. The Cartel of Flag Seeker - Teams: 26 - Credits: 203,421 - Average: 7,824- each player has won 25 Party Flags + the faction badge

In Team Battle #21 there were rewards for the bonus system again! The lucky ones are happy about these graduated wins:

2,500 Credits = 25 Party Flags
5,000 Credits = 1 Treasure Flag on top
10,000 Credits = 1 White Flag on top
20,000 Credits = 1 Night Flag on top
40,000 Credits = 1 Eternal Flag on top

So if you earned more than 40,000 credits with your team, there were 29 awesome flags for you as a bonus!

You know what you have to do: Tell all your friends about it and start a new team together - or even two - because after a short recovery time, the next Team Battle is in sight - on 05.September 2017 at 0:00 (Timezone Europe / Berlin), TB #22 will start!


FLAGSTACK goes America...

New Official Flagstack Volunteer

At some point there is the moment to take the very big steps - to expand the horizon and look forward to new things. This moment shines and is impressive like fireworks! This moment is now! You hoped and waited long, and the time is right! We are proud finally to take this step and introduce the first Official Flagstack Volunteer in the USA! Since a few years, we go with him side by side and are grateful for his ideas and support - from now on it's official. Well, what do you think who it is? He is known to many - it is none other than: Heisenberg!

What is your name in real life and on Flagstack?

Ryan Ciurzynski / Heisenberg

Where do you live?

Akron, New York USA (Near Buffalo New York)

Which languages can we use to communicate with you?


How old are you?

49 years old

How long have you been playing FLAGSTACK?

Since 6-30-2015

How did you come across FLAGSTACK?

Found conversations about it in another geo location game facebook group

What do you really like about FLAGSTACK?

I like the ability to play the game at home and away.  Flagstack does not force you to travel distances to stay competitive with other players but I do look forward to getting out of town to play.  Also, I like that the app is all inclusive.  Everything that I need to play and enjoy the game is on the app.  I don’t need to carry around physical pieces when I decide to play spontaneously.  However, what really stands out the most is that it has a great community of players worldwide.  Whether it’s the CEO or a level 18 player everyone works together to help the game and individual players grow and succeed

What are your hobbies, other than playing FLAGSTACK?

I enjoy pretty much anything that involves being out in nature.  However, I’m a fair weather nature lover.  I tend to hibernate when those cold winter months hit us here in snowy Western New York.  Nice to know that I can still play Flagstack from the warmth of my vehicle!

Please tell us a little bit more about yourself...

I have been married for just under 23 years to my wife Susan and we have 2 children named Alison and Amanda.  Both of my girls are now college students and my wife is a dedicated college professor who puts in long hours so this will afford me more time to enjoy playing Flagstack.

A perfect start! As it should be, Heisenberg has a very special flag in his inventory - his personal Volunteer flag including the unique badge. Dear Flagstackers in the US - you are a few thousand kilometers closer to get this great badge! You have a direct line to Heisenberg with the game chat or this email address:

It'll be a great time with you, Heisenberg! Give him a warm welcome to the team FLAGSTACK!


Official Flagstack Volunteer – Lausitzer Teufelchen

The Official Flagstack Volunteers are a great addition! They support with words and deeds and help wherever it’s needed. We are pleased to introduce to you a new volunteer... Wait, wait. Could it be possible with that name that there is more than one - the Lausitzer Teufelchen? Absolutely right! This is the first volunteer team! Silva and Steffen, known at FLAGSTACK as CacheKidsCB and asp_fan_cb, are now available as Official Flagstack Volunteers with the name Lausitzer Teufelchen!

This is some information about the Lausitzer Teufelchen that we don’t want to deny:

Wie heißt du? Wie ist dein Name bei FLAGSTACK und im realen Leben?

CacheKidsCB: Mein Nickname ist „CacheKidsCB“, aber die meisten rufen mich Silva.

asp_fan_cb: Bei FLAGSTACK und anderen GeoGames bin ich als „asp_fan_cb“ unterwegs. Meine Freunde rufen mich aber Steffen.

Wo lebst du?

CacheKidsCB: Derzeit wohne ich in Cottbus in der Lausitz, komme aber ursprünglich aus Sachsen

asp_fan_cb: Ich wohne in Cottbus in der schönen Lausitz…

In welchen Sprachen kann man sich mit dir unterhalten?

CacheKidsCB: Deutsch und Englisch (Grundkenntnisse)

asp_fan_cb: Deutsch und Englisch (fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse)

Man sieht es dir nicht an - wie alt bist du?

CacheKidsCB: Ich bin 37 Jahre

asp_fan_cb: Ich bin 37 Jahre

Wie lange spielst du schon FLAGSTACK?

CacheKidsCB: Seit 20.04.2016; D.h. seit 16 Monaten

asp_fan_cb: Seit 17.04.2016; D.h. seit 16 Monaten

Wie bist du auf FLAGSTACK aufmerksam geworden?

CacheKidsCB: Über meinen Mann, der das Spiel durch Bekannte (palk, Urbivan) kennengelernt hat. Ich selbst wurde dann im Oktober 2016 komplett infiziert und kann seit dem keine Flagge mehr liegen lassen ;-)

asp_fan_cb: Über Bekannte (palk, Urbivan) die das Spiel entdeckt haben, mit dem HQ einen Podcast-Termin hatten und mich mit infiziert haben!!

Was gefällt dir an Flagstack besonders gut?

CacheKidsCB: Dass ich es spielen kann, wie und wann immer ich Zeit habe. Das es zu zweit noch mehr Spaß macht (zwei positiv Verrückte). Dass es eine Community gibt, die auch im realen Leben ein tolles Miteinander u.a. auf Events ermöglicht und neue Freundschaften entstehen lässt. Dass man raus geht, neue Orte entdeckt und, ganz wichtig, seine Spuren hinterlassen kann.

asp_fan_cb: Ergänzung zu CacheKidsCB: Dass es nicht langweilig wird, da man genau auf die Spieler hört und immer neue Ideen entwickelt

Was machst du gern in deiner Freizeit, außer Flagstack zu spielen?

CacheKidsCB: Da wir uns gut mit meinem Mann in die Freizeit einteilen, mache ich Sport/ Yoga wenn es die Zeit erlaubt, gehe gern mit meinem Mann und auch Freunden gern essen und liebe es, Konzerte zu besuchen. So kann ich ganz gut von meinem Job entspannen.

asp_fan_cb: Ich nutze die wenige Freizeit, um einen Ausgleich im Garten und beim Geocachen zu finden. Aber auch Essen gehen (gern auch mit Freunden) und mit der Familie tolle Sachen zu unternehmen wie z. B. Wandern oder Konzertbesuche gehört dazu. Und außerdem höre ich gern abends gute Musik

Erzähl uns doch ein bisschen über dich persönlich...

CacheKidsCB: Ich arbeite gern mit Menschen (derzeit als Erzieherin in einem Kindergarten), mache Sport als Ausgleich wenn es möglich ist und bin aktuell besessen, das 365-Tage-Badge zu erhalten. Mich gibt es eigentlich nur im Doppelpack mit meinem Mann... Und natürlich bin ich immer für meine Kinder da, was auch einiges an Zeit beansprucht und nicht immer leicht unter einen Hut zu bringen ist… Ach ja, und das Thema „Gesunde Ernährung“ ist mir wichtig!

asp_fan_cb: Neben der Arbeit, die mich meist ganz ordentlich fordert, bin ich ein Familienmensch. Das heißt gemeinsame Unternehmungen mit meiner Frau Silva und den Kindern nehmen einen großen Teil meiner Zeit ein. Uns gibt es meist nur im Doppelpack mit meiner Frau. Auch Konzerte z.B. von ASP (Frankfurter Band; ja daher kommt auch der Nick) sind für uns alle immer wieder großartige Ereignisse. Daneben spielt aber auch die Community eine große Rolle, da hieraus starke Freundschaften entstanden sind, auf welche man sich verlassen kann!!

Those are two very likeable devils! Of course there is also a volunteer badge for the Lausitzer Teufelchen - and of course you have to meet BOTH to get the Badge!

We are looking forward to the common future - welcome to the Team FLAGSTACK!

Capture the flag…
Kisdorf, 20.08.2017


Holy Odin, the vikings let loose...

This weekend we are going on a journey through time on the paths into the past. As sponsors of the "Geocaching Days" we look forward to wonderful hours at the open-air museum Molfsee at the gates of Kiel (DE). On Saturday, 11.August 2017, the main event will take place and we travel together back to the time of the Vikings...

You may have read it in the news: team Vikings has already been seen on various channels. What it's all about? Here is the explanation:

Our dear and hard-working volunteers have all rummaged in the costume box and personal transformation has been made - all have become Vikings! For each individual volunteer, there is now a personal Friend Flag for the entire weekend (until 13.August 2017, 22:00, time zone Europe / Berlin) which is shared by the volunteers themselves everywhere - ie Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more... In total there are 10 different Vikings and you have to collect all of them to get the badge to this great event. For your chances to rise, the additional 10 Vikings will move as jumpers into the world every hour during the entire event.

Keep your eyes open and get this unique badge!

Enjoy an exciting weekend!

Team Flagstack

#capturetheflag #geocachingdays #molfsee #flagstackevent #flagstack


10 million captures!

Sunday is a day of rest. To relax. And there are people who simply cannot hold on to it and give full throttle... For a good reason, there is a goal... The countdown to the 10-millionth capture at FLAGSTACK ran. Who will win the race? Australia or Europe?

Australia has prevailed! 10 million captures are awesome, and it can be found as a badge in Australia, or rather Tasmania! As a little family affair DTas (AU) was able to capture a flag of drlion (AU) at the right moment, bringing the 10 million badge to Australia!

Here is the flag with the badge: LINK

Need some statistics? After only 52 days we can celebrate this new anniversary! The distances are shorter and shorter - that means the fun with FLAGSTACK is getting bigger and bigger! Here's to you, the FLAGSTACK community!

This is a performance of all, so there is also a thank you to all: everyone gets a 20% voucher*, which is valid for 52 days!

Keep it up, we do it too!

Have a nice Sunday,

* A combination with vouchers is not possible, except gift vouchers. The discount is not payable in cash. Only available for orders placed with PayPal on the website. An order with voucher and / or discount via apps is currently not possible.



Team Battle checklist

In a few hours the Team Battle #21 starts - is your team ready for action?

- Does your team consist of at least three players?

- Does the teamleader have a valid premium membership?

- Are all team flags already confirmed?

- Are all holiday flags back in your home country?

There is nothing to prevent the successful start!

You still have questions? Please just contact one of our volunteers:

thwe16 (DE / EN)

PappaPad (DE / EN)

Lednimedvidek (CZ / EN / DE)

Borghuis (NL / EN / DE)

DTas (EN / DE)

On 05.August 2017 at 0:00 (time zone Europe / Berlin) time has come - may the games begin...

Team Flagstack



WOW ... What a brilliant idea by Ryan Ciurzynski (Heisenberg) in the Flagstack USA group on Facebook??? Just a small competition and this gives a different tension to FLAGSTACK – that’s fantastic! Topic: Whose players Birthday Jumper had most captures?

Ryan has his raffle within the group, and we want to take this up and reveal the worldwide top 10...

For the top 3, we present a small reward: everyone gets a jumper flag for free - because it was so nice :-)

No. 1: r0el (NL)

No. 2: daysleeperdot (US)

No. 3: asp_fan_cb (DE) und MeisterLampe (DE)

And because of the great idea, there is also one for Heisenberg (US)!

Thanks to everyone for the deployment and captures - the community had fun!


  Team Battle #20 in the anniversary month is over!

Was not just the beginning of the month with all the surprises ahead? It is unbelievable how time flies. But there was no shortage of fun at all! The new option "Happy Holidays", the new "Dice Flag" - and lots of birthday jumper that mixed up the team battle...

At the top of the podium are our highs - performance athletes - er, players. At the beginning of the month, the Australian Team Standard Stuff was right up there. We would have liked to keep you in the front of the ranking, because it was a great job you did in only a few days! The next month with the Team Battle # 21 gives new opportunities to everyone, use them - fill your teams and have fun and success!

You have worked flat out and gave everything during the last Team Battle? Redeem your earned credits quickly and have fun with your new flags! Follow this direct link to the credit shop: On the team page you find the link to the shop below the overview map.

You didn’t participate in Team Battle? Keep your eyes and ears open for existing or new teams from 01.-04.August 2017 (time zone Europe / Berlin), that need your assistance! As you can see in the ranking, some are capable to splendid performances - what about you? In the next Team Battle #21 there are lots of flags for free again - only your bet counts!

For our statistics fans, here are the information about the overall ranking and the facts of Team Battle #20. Overall, we have given away a lot of great prizes worth hundreds of Euros! 81 teams have achieved great results and the diligence is rewarded:

1. RedFlagStars (DE) – Credits: 68,804 – The Alliance - as a bonus, each player was credited with an additional 30,000 credits + the #1 Team-Badge

2. GCHN (ES) – Credits: 43,945 – The Alliance - as a bonus, each player was credited with an additional 20,000 credits + the #2 Team-Badge

3. Die 4 Fragezeichen (DE) – Credits: 41,500 – The Alliance - as a bonus, each player was credited with an additional 10,000 credits + the #3 Team-Badge

This is the faction ranking of Team Battle #20. We are delighted with all players about the great overall performance:

1. The Alliance of Flag Keeper - Teams: 32 - Credits: 444,545 - Average: 13,892 - each player has won 3 Treasure Flags + the faction badge

2. The Syndicate of Flag Hunter - Teams: 25 - Credits: 258,872 - Average: 10,355 - each player has won 2 Treasure Flags + the faction badge

3. The Cartel of Flag Seeker - Teams: 24 - Credits: 170,881 - Average: 7,120- each player has won 1 Treasure Flag + the faction badge

In Team Battle #20, there were rewards for the bonus system again! The lucky ones are happy about these graduated wins:

2,500 Credits = 25 Party Flags

5,000 Credits = 1 White Flag on top

10,000 Credits = 1 Second Chance on top

20,000 Credits = 1 Oracle Flag on top

40,000 Credits = 1 Eternal Flag on top

So if you earned more than 40,000 credits with your team, there were 28 awesome flags and one option for you as a bonus!

You know what you have to do: Tell all your friends about it and start a new team together - or even two - because after a short recovery time, the next Team Battle is in sight - on 05.August 2017 at 0:00 (Timezone Europe / Berlin), TB #21 will start!


Give yourself the perfect item! #flagstackpremium

As a premium member, you don’t only enjoy amazing features while playing FLAGSTACK, but you support us and make a great contribution to the entire FLAGSTACK community. We would like to thank you with a voucher worth 5 €uro - redeemable exclusively for premium members!

Visit our webshop and choose what you want - the voucher is also applicable to flags / options with discounts!

Voucher Code: HappyBirthday17

Once redeemable on all products in our online shop up to and including 31.08.2017 (timezone Europe / Berlin)

You are currently not a Premium Member? Treat yourself to the advanced features and #gopremium – then you can benefit from this voucher, too.

Best wishes,


#capturetheflag #flagstackpremium #gopremium

* The voucher value is not payable in cash. Only available for orders placed with PayPal on the website. An order with voucher and / or discount via apps is currently not possible.


Are you still playing or already taking chances?

In FLAGSTACK anniversary month of July there is a lot of special. As the very latest toy we present today: the Dice Flag!

Its name is its motto: exciting and recurring gameplay… If you see a Dice flag on the map, then use this moment to slow down and look to know what happens. Because as the name already suggests, after the capture you expect a short dice game. You won’t find predetermined points, because YOU roll the points:

Deploy Points: 10
Capture Points: The current player level is multiplied by the diced number
Capture On Points: Your current owner level is multiplied by the diced number
Distance to own flags: 66 m
Distance to other flags: 22 m

Here is a example:

Players level = 54 / Owners level = 17 / diced number = 3

Result: players points = 162 / owners points = 51 / both have the triple fun of their success!

And that's not all, because the best is known at the end: the Dice Flag can be captured again with every new players level! This means it can be captured by any player up to 100 times! As an owner, place them at strategically good locations and give recurring fun to other players - enjoy yourself again and again the rising cap-on points. And as a pleasant side effect, with this flag you can be a great motivation aid for new players, because the smaller the player level is - the more often the flag can be collected.

The Dice Flag is now available in our webshop and in your App Store. You want to try it out? Take the opportunity of the introductory price, because the Dice Flag is available for a reduced price in our webshop for one week!*

Enjoy the summer, the sun and the dice pleasure!



*Valid until 26.07.2017, 23:59 (timezone Europe/Berlin). A combination with any discounts, vouchers and discounts is not possible, except gift vouchers. The discount is not payable in cash. Only available for orders placed with PayPal on the website. An order with voucher and / or discount via apps is currently not possible.

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